IVO: Smer-SD Overvalued Migration Crisis, Oppotision Internal Problems

IVO: Smer-SD Overvalued Migration Crisis, Oppotision Internal Problems

The ruling Smer-SD party overestimated the impact of the migration crisis, while the Opposition overvalued internal problems and mutual relations, the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) President, Grigorij Meseznikov said on Friday.

He added that Smer-SD has underestimated the real problems of the country, such as health care and education and the Opposition, too, undervalued the importance of these issues.

“Smer-SD misread the significance of the migrant issue, not realising that Slovak society is not xenophobic enough to disregard real problems at home in Slovakia. Namely, the real problems of the country,” said Meseznikov. He added that Smer has moved the debate to a whole other level in its approach.

The Opposition, according to the IVO president dwelt too much on internal problems. “Their messages towards the public also contained burning problems, however, most of them dedicated themselves to conflicts and internal relationships. It reflects the state of this part of the political spectrum.”

From the viewpoint of the election agendas campaigns, Meseznikov criticised the fact that Smer-SD doesn’t have any program. “It only has a unilateral declaration of priorities.”

Smer-SD thus indicates it needs no coalition partners, that it’s satisfied with the development of society,” said Meseznikov. The political scientist admits that many voters decide on the basis of program priorities; however, he believes that the party without an agenda is lost.

“Smer-SD counts on the fact that its voters already know what they can expect. Nevertheless, this is an irresponsible attitude. It is the strongest party and I am, for example, curious how would they want to solve the migrant issue from the position of the EU presiding country,” he stressed.