Poll: Kiska Most-trusted Politician; Followed by Pellegrini, Bugar and Sulik

Poll: Kiska Most-trusted Politician; Followed by Pellegrini, Bugar and Sulik
Bratislava, April 11 (TASR) – President Andrej Kiska is viewed as the most trusted person in a leading position, enjoying the trust of 67 percent of the people polled by AKO agency.

According to the survey carried out in April, the most distrusted politician is Marian Kotleba of the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) with 76 percent untrustworthiness.
The second most trusted politician was Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of Smer-SD (41 percent credibility), followed by Bela Bugar of Most-Hid and Richard Sulik of Freedom and Solidarity/SaS (37 percent each), parliamentary chair Andrej Danko of Slovak National Party/SNS (35 percent), Boris Kollar of We Are Family (34 percent), Igor Matovic of OLaNO (32 percent) and Alojz Hlina of Christian Democratic Movement/KDH (28 percent). Former prime minister and Smer-SD chair Robert Fico with 24 percent ranked in the eighth spot. The ninth place in credibility belongs to Marian Kotleba of LSNS (21 percent).
The second most distrusted leader after Marian Kotleba (76 percent) is ex-premier Fico (72 percent), followed by Igor Matovic (63 percent), Boris Kollar (61 percent), Richard Sulik (60 percent), Andrej Danko (59 percent), Bela Bugar (58 percent), Prime Minister Pellegrini (51 percent), Alojz Hlina (45 percent) and Andrej Kiska (31 percent).
AKO agency conducted the poll from April 4 to 7, 2018 via a telephone inquiry on a sample of 1,000 respondents.