SaS: We Live in Free, Safe and Plentiful World Thanks to Velvet Revolution

SaS: We Live in Free, Safe and Plentiful World Thanks to Velvet Revolution

Bratislava, November 16 (TASR) – Despite the much disillusionment and many disappointments that have emerged since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, on which populists of various forms have fed like parasites, we’re living in freedom and in relative safety and abundance, reads a statement by the Opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party leadership with regards to the upcoming state holiday marking the 28th anniversary of November ’89.

[November 17, 1989 saw the fall of Communism in Czechoslovakia and the non-violent restoration of democracy – ed. note].

“It’s thanks to the Velvet Revolution, which had the support of the masses and which swept Communism onto the rubbish dump of history that we’ve earned the respect and recognition of the global public. We’ll never forget,” said SaS.

In their statement the liberals further mentioned that the Velvet Revolution in 1989 was the result of the economic and moral decline of the communist dictatorship. “After decades of oppression, people in Slovakia became free, they could travel around the world freely, set up political parties and express their critical political views without the threat of losing their jobs or ending up in jail in the worst case,” said SaS.

The Opposition party went on to say that free media without censorship have started to operate in the country and private entrepreneurship has returned, with Slovakia beginning to catch up with developed western economies.

“Remembering the importance of November 17 for freedom and democracy is becoming more and more important, as new generations currently entering working and political lives have no personal experience of totalitarianism, its devious ideology, false propaganda and cruel reality,” said SaS.