Bratislava Airport Handled 44 percent More Passengers Y-o-Y in January

Bratislava, February 2 (TASR) – Bratislava’s Milan Rastislav Stefanik Airport (BTS) handled 44 percent more passengers in January than it did in the same month of 2015, the airport’s spokesperson Veronika Sevcikova told TASR on Tuesday.
According to Sevcikova, a total of 97,808 passengers used the airport in January, while in January 2015 the figure was 68,008. “It’s one of the best results in the past few years, specifically the best since January 2009, when 101,176 passengers were dealt with,” said Sevcikova.
The airport handled 1.56 million passengers in 2015, which amounted to a hike of 15.4 percent, or 208,686 people, on the year.
When it came to regular destinations, London, Dublin, Milan, Rome and Brussels came top. For charter flights Antalya (Turkey), Burgas (Bulgaria), Rhodes (Greece), Hurghada (Egypt) and Heraklion (Greece) were the most popular destinations.