Caputova, Danko, Pellegrini to Sign Declaration on Slovakia's Orientation

Bratislava, June 26 (TASR) – The three most senior constitutional representatives of Slovakia, President Zuzana Caputova, Parliamentary Chair Andrej Danko (Slovak National Party) and Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), will sign a joint declaration on Slovakia’s foreign policy orientation at Bratislava Castle on Thursday, Parliament Office spokesperson Tomas Kostelnik stated on Wednesday.
Such a declaration has already been signed – in October 2017 by then president Andrej Kiska, then prime minister Robert Fico and Danko. They committed themselves to communicating Slovakia’s pro-European and pro-Atlantic orientation clearly and responsibly, be it towards foreign countries or the Slovak public.
The declaration also states that the representatives support Slovakia’s future at the core of the EU and continual deepening of the eurozone. In addition, they are supposed to advocate principles of equal treatment on the internal market and oppose discrimination against consumers. They should promote moves bolstering the security of the Slovak public and support meeting the country’s obligations towards NATO.
Caputova mentioned that she’d like the declaration to be updated at her initial meetings with Danko and Pellegrini, which took place on June 18.