Caputova: It's Our Moral Duty to Obejct against Repression of Belarusian Regime

Bratislava, August 18 (TASR) – It’s our moral duty to clearly object against the repression of the Belarusian regime, Slovak President Zuzana Caputova stated on Tuesday on her Facebook account, adding that she considers it right and necessary to express support to those who’ve decided to defend basic democratic rights and freedoms in Belarus.
“It’s our common moral duty as members of the EU and community of democratic countries to clearly object against the repression of the Belarusian regime, even by adopting measures aimed at those who stand behind the use of violence and the manipulation of the presidential election results,” stated Caputova.
According to the president, the people of Belarus are indisputably entitled to decide freely who will take the helm of the state. At the same time, they have an unquestionable right to express their own opinion.
“I consider it right and necessary to express support to all Belarusians who’ve decided to stand on the side of basic democratic rights and freedoms, despite risking their own safety, health and even life,” she remarked. The president is of the opinion that the violence that was used against those who dared to disagree with the current regime in the country can’t go unnoticed.