Caputova Received by Pope Francis, Brings 10,000 PCR Tests

Vatican, December 14 (TASR) – Slovak President Zuzana Caputova was received on Monday by Pope Francis, who told her to convey a message to people in Slovakia that they should fight and hold out in the face of coronavirus.
Caputova told the media after the meeting that she invited the Pope to Slovakia and he accepted the invitation, but noted that much will depend on the situation in the world, including the pandemic and his own health.
According to Caputova, the pontiff said that “nothing remains the same after any crisis … so it’s important that we all work together on uniting the world, in order to be able to face challenges”.
The Pope allegedly spoke about a specific role of women in crises. “He literally said that women are closer to life through motherhood, so they may be able to play a more significant role in calming the situation down and uniting the world and countries,” said Caputova.
The Slovak president brought to Francis four big Advent wreaths produced in a sheltered workshop by people from a disadvantaged environment. The candles were made from recycled materials, as the issue of climate change is also pursued by the Pope. Caputova also gave him an image of Our Lady. Apart from that, she brought 10,000 PCR tests for coronavirus.
“The Pope and the Holy See also care for the homeless people and they run a hospital where they treat them. So, this was a contribution for them in these difficult times,” said Caputova.