Coalition to Exclude Blaha and Some LSNS MPs from Friendship Groups

Bratislava, November 4 (TASR) – Coalition lawmakers proposed to exclude names of several opposition MPs from the lists of future friendship groups with states, which prompted strong criticism from the opposition, TASR learnt on Wednesday.
The proposed lawmakers to be excluded are Lubos Blaha (Smer-SD), Martin Belusky, Miroslav Suja and Marian Kotleba (all far-right LSNS).
At the request of the opposition, House Vice-chair Gabor Grendel (OLaNO) thus convened a gremium session.
The coalition submitted changes to the bill on friendship groups under the aegis of the Slovak Interparliamentary Union, arguing that the four legislators in question hold “stances and opinions deeply conflicting with elementary principles on which the Slovak Republic is based”.
In response, opposition’s House Vice-chair Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) declared that such a policy is undemocratic and he hasn’t bore witness to such an approach in Parliament before. “Plurality of opinions is challenging, but that’s the basis of democracy,” he said.
Also taking potshots at the coalition was Smer-SD chair Robert Fico. “This is fascism; it’s 1950s all over again,” he stated.