OTS: Control four times more frequent than is usual

Bratislava, April 9 (TASR/OTS) - Can you imagine how many inspections chicken meat has to go through before you buy it in a protective package at your store? There are dozens of tests, audits, checks and inspections. The priority for all participants is satisfied consumers, for whom EU Poultry s.r.o. supplies quality products in accordance with valid domestic and European legislation.
Due to the high demand and consumption, which is over 24 kg per person per year, and Slovakia's low self-sufficiency in poultry meat production (approximately 50%), it is necessary to import chicken meat. In recent years, also for this reason, the number of inspections of imported meat by the State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic (ŠVPS SR) has increased. Official control of animal products is also ensured at the external borders of the EU by border veterinary control on the basis of EU legislation, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017. Food control in the territory of Slovakia, except for the Slovak Food Safety Authority, is ensured by also the Office of Public Health and the Slovak Trade Inspection. The company EU Poultry s.r.o. buys chicken meat exclusively from suppliers who have implemented a food production safety system, who have permission to place products of animal origin on the EU market. Among them are companies from Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Regular internal inspections are carried out at the plant, while the company cooperates with the renowned accredited company Eurofins Laboratories in the testing of samples. "We spend thousands of euros per month on regular testing. We can declare that we test four times more often than the legislation requires. In addition, audits of external certification authorities such as TÜV NORD Slovakia and audits of business partners such as VOLATYS, Tesco Stores or METRO Cash & Carry SR are carried out on a regular basis. Therefore, before our products even reach the shops, packed in a protective atmosphere, they are checked by several trustworthy authorities," says Yuliya Dzemiantsei, CEO of the EU Poultry s.r.o. production plant. in Horné Saliby.
EU Poultry s.r.o. is the holder of a Halal certificate and above all a certificate from the world unit in the field of inspection, testing and certification SGS. SGS is known for its thorough and detailed auditing, verification and inspection standards. A BRCGS (British Retail Consortium Global Standard) audit was recently completed in Horný Salibá. The processing company defended the BRC GS for food safety certificate with a better result than in the last audit.
About EU Poultry s.r.o.
We are a Slovak company, a specialist in the processing and distribution of high-quality chicken meat and meat products. We supply products to 22 European countries. Annually, we process more than 40 thousand tons of poultry meat. In the year 2023, we achieved revenues of more than 158 million euros. Our production and storage facilities have been located near the village of Horné Saliby since 2017. We employ more than 300 people. We are a member of the Slovak Poultry Union. You can find EU Poultry s.r.o. at https://poultryeu.eu/ and also on social networks like YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.