Danko: State Would Save by Paying Thirteenth Salaries to Civil Servants
Bratislava, May 28 (TASR) – Payout of bonuses in the form of levy and tax-exempt thirteenth salary will save money to entrepreneurs, as well as to the state administration, Parliamentary Chairman and Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko told a news conference on Tuesday, adding he will seek the use of this tool by individual ministries, too.
Danko stressed that there’s only one week left to make use of this tool. He called on entrepreneurs to use particularly thirteenth salary for payout of bonuses. “I am in shock that employers don’t know they can use it,” he noted. Large entrepreneurs were paying out thirteenth and fourteenth salaries by using their creativity, however, they’re gradually switching to paying them in June and December. “Such systematisation will enable them to save almost €200 per employee,” stated Danko.
According to Danko, the state must lead by example in this. “There’s a possibility of huge savings for the state administration,” he said, adding it might concern 100,000 civil servants.
On Wednesday (May 29) Danko intends to ask Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) to urge individual ministers to use this tool at their ministries. Danko claims that individual ministries will save by using this form, as they would pay bonuses anyway. Almost €1.5 million might be saved at ministries in this way, noted Danko.