Opposition Assists in Passing Pension Age Caps to Round 2 in House

Opposition Assists in Passing Pension Age Caps to Round 2 in House

Bratislava, September 18 (TASR) – A Smer-SD-sponsored constitutional bill on introducing caps for pension age, which potentially wouldn’t be allowed to exceed 64, was passed to the second round of discussions in Parliament on Tuesday.

The draft was backed by 93 MPs of 145 present, including some Opposition lawmakers, for example, from We Are Family and the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS). At least 90 votes in the 150-member Parliament are needed for constitutional bills to be passed.

On Monday, Smer leader Robert Fico was hopeful that the bill could be passed to the second reading by at least a simple majority, but eventually it received a constitutional majority even at this stage, although it wasn’t necessary.

Junior coalition party Most-Hid, which has been criticising the bill from the very beginning, eventually also saw some of its MPs voting for it, while some prominent party figures maintained their reserved stance, including chairman Bela Bugar (abstained) and former justice minister Lucia Zitnanska (voted against).