ElectionsEP24: Pellegrini: EU Must Take Decisions on Its Future Functioning

Kraliky, June 8 (TASR) - The European Union (EU) today stands at a crossroads and has to take major decisions on its future functioning, President-elect Peter Pellegrini stated on Saturday after casting his vote in the European Parliament (EP) elections at a polling station in the village of Kraliky near Banska Bystrica.
Pellegrini called on Slovaks to come to the polls, expressing his hope that turnout will be higher this year than in 2019.
"The European elections aren't only elections about the European Parliament, but they are also elections that affect the Slovak Republic," said Pellegrini, adding that the EU will have to rethink a number of its policies. "We'll have to talk about how the EU will stop the decline of its industry, economy and competitiveness in order to get back among the top economic areas of the world, where, unfortunately, it's losing its position," stated the president-elect.
Pellegrini called on Slovaks to vote in the European Parliament elections on Saturday. "Because the decisions that will be taken there and by the MEPs elected for the Slovak Republic often have a fundamental impact on all of us," he said, describing Slovakia's lowest voter turnout in the EU as "an unpleasant first place" and hopes that more people will turn out this time.
A total of 23 political entities are running in the European Parliament elections. Slovaks elect 15 MEPs for a five-year term. They can circle up to two candidates from a single slate.