ElectionsEP24: Roma Proxy and Police Deputy Chief Warn against Vote-buying

ElectionsEP24: Roma Proxy and Police Deputy Chief Warn against Vote-buying
Government Proxy for Roma Communities Alexander Dasko (stock photo by TASR)

        Bratislava, June 7 (TASR) - In connection with Saturday's (June 8) elections to the European Parliament, Government Proxy for Roma Communities Alexander Dasko has appealed to politicians to avoid buying the votes of the Roma minority, while calling on Roma not to let themselves be manipulated, TASR learnt from a joint statement from Dasko and Police Vice-president Rastislav Polakovic on Friday.
        Polakovic announced preventive police action in marginalised communities. According to him, the police have operational information in connection with electoral corruption in these locations.
        "The elections will be monitored very closely, and any offence will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Vote-buying is a crime. I'd be very unhappy if anyone from our community got into trouble with the law - it is not only a criminal offence to give but also to receive a bribe. Please let's vote freely, democratically, according to our own awareness and conscience," said the government proxy.