Fico Charged with Crime of Incitement, Smer-SD Leader Rejects Accusations

Bratislava, December 16 (TASR) – Following his release from a police station, leader of the opposition Smer-SD party Robert Fico said that he was charged with the crime of incitement, TASR learnt on Thursday.
“It’s made up from the beginning to the end,” said Fico, adding that he didn’t incite anyone to do anything. According to him, the absurdities committed by this governing coalition have no end. “The only purpose of this ridiculous intervention was to prevent me from taking part in a car protest,” stated Fico.
Fico considers it to be absurd that as part of his work as an MP he was taken to a police department. He sees the actions of the police as intimidation by Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO), interim police chief Stefan Hamran and Special Prosecutor Daniel Lipsic.
Robert Fico stressed that they didn’t do anything illegal with this protest, they just wanted to calmly express disagreement with the state of democracy in Slovakia and with the policy of the Government. According to him, no one was interested in causing tension.
The Smer-SD leader was taken to a police station shortly after 6 p.m. before the start of a protest march at Tyrsovo nabrezie in the Bratislava borough of Petrzalka, which the party announced in advance.