Fico: Figel Has Confirmed That KDH Will Import Migrants into Slovakia

Bratislava, February 18 (TASR) – Christian Democrats (KDH) chairman Jan Figel has confirmed that if KDH is in the future government, it will import Muslim migrants into Slovakia, announced Prime Minister Robert Fico on Thursday in response to Figel’s criticism of Smer’s policy concerning the migration crisis earlier on the same day.
“It doesn’t matter if they do it based on mandatory quotas or voluntarily. I can only reiterate that we’ll never agree to place Muslim migrants in our country, not only on the basis of quotas but also on a voluntary basis,” said Fico.
Earlier on Thursday, Figel rejected the rhetoric of Smer-SD representatives that if a rightist government is formed after the parliamentary election in March, it will bring thousands of migrants into Slovakia. “No, we won’t bring in migrants, but we do stress solidarity on a voluntary basis,” said Figel.
“Migrants need to be checked in order to separate actual refugees from economic migrants. The latter must be returned without delay. Their influx needs to be stopped, as Europe can’t be left in the hands of the weather,” said Figel.