Fico: New Coalition Deal Paves Way for Cooperation with Ex-caucus Members

Bratislava, February 19 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) welcomes the new deal with coalition leaders, which will enable him to take action in accordance with the coalition agreement and offer terms of cooperation to MPs who have left SNS and Voice-SD caucuses, according to Fico's video posted on a social network on Wednesday.
Fico added that he will announce his next move soon.
"It's common knowledge that the caucuses of Voice and SNS lost a proportion of their lawmakers, so I really welcomed the deal reached today with chairman of Voice Matus Sutaj Estok and chairman of SNS Andrej Danko," declared the Prime Minister, who informed government members about the upcoming cabinet personnel restructuring. "This weighty political decision enables me as the Prime Minister to take action in accordance with the coalition agreement, when I'll propose cooperation to the legislators who have left the caucuses of Voice and SNS," he said.
Fico appreciated the fact that the restoration of the governing majority in Parliament is taking shape behind closed doors. "I have a huge advantage in that I'm backed in such an extremely sensitive agenda by a strong and stable party that is Smer-SD," stated Fico, adding that the government is operating like a well-oiled machine.