Former PM Dzurinda Becomes Member of Marathon Diamond Club

Kosice, October 3 (TASR) – Former two-time prime minister Mikulas Dzurinda (1998-2002 and 2002-2006), known as a passionate long-distance runner, has joined the International Peace Marathon in Kosice’s Diamond Club for having taken part at least 25 times in the oldest marathon run in Europe, TASR learnt on Tuesday.
Dzurinda, 62, who this past Sunday ran the marathon in Kosice in 3h 53min 9 sec, has become the 50th member of the club.
“I certainly want to add further appearances. Running is a wonderful discipline for me and it’s an honour for me to be in the Diamond Club,” said the former prime minister.
In October 2001, Dzurinda, a self-described “fiery marathon runner”, as serving prime minister ran the New York Marathon as a tribute to the victims of 9/11, and two years later he became the first active prime minister ever to run the London Marathon.
Founded in 1924 and organised annually on the first Sunday of October, the Kosice Marathon is the oldest marathon run in Europe and the second-oldest one in the world, after the Boston Marathon.