GLOBSEC 2017: Interview with Vice President Jakub WIŚNIEWSKI

Bratislava, May 30 (TABLET.TV) – Our famous host Pavol DEMEŠ had Jakub WIŚNIEWSKI, the Vice President of GLOBSEC and the Research Director of GLOBSEC Policy Institute. The main topic of their debate was this year’s GLOBSEC Forum that has taken place in Bratislava from May 26 to 28.
Jakub Wiśniewski is a former Polish ambassador to OECD and Head of Policy Planning at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed Vice President of GLOBSEC and Research Director of GLOBSEC Policy Institute as of 1 September 2016. After the restructuring of the GLOBSEC organisation the main goal of GLOBSEC Policy Institute under his leadership is to secure impact of the research activities in the wider circle of foreign policy decision-makers.
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