Government Modifies Criteria for Selecting Investment Partners for State Housing

Bratislava, November 13 (TASR) - A new draft proposal to modify the criteria for selecting investment partners for constructing state-supported rental housing was approved by the government on Wednesday.
The draft proposal modifies and expands the criteria approved at the end of January of last year to include additional eligible entities when it comes to applying for the position of investment partner. The draft criteria were submitted by the Transport Ministry.
Those allowed to invest in the construction of public rental housing must be interested parties registered in an EU-member state, in a state that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or in Switzerland. Investors must have been engaged in the rental housing business for at least ten years and own, or have owned, at least 1,000 dwellings used for rental housing. Investors must not be in debt to Slovakia or to the member state in which they are registered. In addition, members of the statutory body, the supervisory board and the senior staff of an investor must be professionally competent and credible.
Those interested in investing in state-owned rental housing must transparently disclose their financial results and have held equity of at least €100 million over the past three years.