Heger: Electricity Prices for Households Shouldn't Increase Greatly in 2023

(TA3, ‘V politike’, August 21)
Electricity prices for households shouldn’t increase significantly in 2023, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) stated on TA3’s discussion programme ‘V politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday, promising that the increase won’t copy the rise in prices on the market.
“In the case of gas prices, solutions are being sought and several measures are being prepared,” he said, adding that the same should apply to prices for companies. Heger is set to discuss the topic with Economy Minister Richard Sulik (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) on Monday (August 22).
The premier also commented on the talks concerning the salaries of health-care workers, declaring that he’s ready to continue meeting with them and look for ways to improve conditions in the sector. He also pointed out that salary increases in the health-care sector can only be based on realistic possibilities.
In this context, however, he noted that, for example, the proposal concerning nurses represents the highest growth in basic salaries ever. “It will increase by €400 on average, there’s a similar offer for paramedics and doctors,” pointed out Heger.