Heger: FinMin Launches Public Contest for Financial Administration Chief

Bratislava, September 10 (TASR) – The Finance Ministry is launching a public contest for the post of the Financial Administration (the tax and customs office) president, Finance Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) announced at a news conference on Thursday.
Heger invited conscientious and honest experts in this field to join the contest.
At the same time, public contests are being opened for other state-run companies, such as betting company Tipos, Slovak Electricity Transmission System (SEPS), the Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank (SZRB) and Slovenska Konsolidacna.
“We want this selection procedure to be public as well, so that the media can watch the hearing of individual applicants,” said Heger in connection with the selection of the Financial Administration chief. He stressed that the Financial Administration is important in terms of consolidation of public finances and budget. “We want to have the best of the best ones at the helm of the Financial Administration,” noted the minister.
According to Heger, it’s crucial that the Financial Administration strengthens its analytic and supervisory activities. “The Financial Administration will have to expel black sheep from its lines,” stressed the minister, adding that this institution must be built on high-quality people. Heger said that Daniela Kluckova has been temporarily installed as the Financial Administration president to carry out an audit there.
The minister said they paid due attention to the selection of people who will be in the selection commission. It should feature Budgetary Responsibility Council chairman Ivan Sramko, Economic University Rector Ferdinand Dano, heads of two parliamentary committees Peter Kremsky and Marian Viskupic, current Financial Administration President Kluckova, Finance Ministry’s State Secretary Lubos Jancik and others. NGOs Let’s Stop Corruption and Transparency International Slovensko should have their representatives on the commission as well.