Holjencik: Gas Transport Should Use Existing Transport Capacities
Bratislava, October 17 (TASR) – Existing gas transport routes should be used for the transport of gas, said Office of the Regulation of Network Industries (URSO) chairman Jozef Holjencik at a press conference in Bratislava.
Holjencik was referring to the planned Nordstream 2 gas pipeline project. The press conference was a part of the 15th international Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) conference with ERRA chairman Mart Ots also in attendance.
According to Holjencik, Slovakia is interested in increasing the security of gas supplies in the central European area as well as in the whole of Europe. “On the other hand, it has to be said that we should try to strengthen the security of gas supplies mainly via the exploitation of existing transport capacities, via the existing transitory gas pipeline which is not being used to the fullest. Only then can we consider the gas transport network’s further development. I think the Visegrad Four countries [the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia] are of the same opinion,” stated Holjencik.
Ots said that ERRA is always impartial when commenting on any investment project. It will be important whether or not the project in question increases the security of the supplies of energy sources in the region, noted Ots.
“I’m from the Baltic states [Estonia – ed. note] and there have been voiced doubts on multiple occasions about this project being politicised. If I’m to talk about the official position of my government, then the fact is that it doesn’t support the project in question out of political reasons, because it’s not in line with European energy policies,” added Ots.