ISU Invites Draxler to Meeting to Discuss Teachers' Demands

Bratislava, January 29 (TASR) – The Slovak Teachers Initiative (ISU), which launched a full-blown strike on January 25, invited Education, Science, Research and Sport Minister Juraj Draxler by letter on Friday to talks about its demands at Novohradska Street School in Bratislava on February 1.
According to ISU, the meeting is needed because the Government is unable to fulfil its guarantee concerning the right of education for some students, meaning that it is failing to do its duty.
“There are almost 11,000 teachers at more than 750 schools participating in a proper strike, a teachers’ strike in which over 13,000 teachers from more than 850 schools have taken part so far,” stated ISU in the letter.
According to ISU, the initiative has managed to demonstrate that society as a whole wants their demands met.
ISU is calling for increases in the salaries of all teachers and other professional employees in regional education by €140 per month as of 2016 and by an additional €90 as of 2017. It also demands an increase in the budget amount reserved for education.