Kiska's Final Vote as President: We Mustn't Let Our Europe Be Stolen

Poprad, May 25 (TASR) – Slovakia’s President Andrej Kiska, who cast his ballot in the European Parliament elections in Poprad (Presov region) on Saturday, voted for the last time as the country’s president three weeks before relinquishing the office to civic activist Zuzana Caputova, whom he himself endorsed, calling on people not to let Europe be “stolen” by extremists.
“All those who believe that the EU is an excellent project, that Europe is our Europe, we, who make up a majority, should go to vote. We shouldn’t allow people who don’t share our values, perhaps even extremists, to represent us,” said Kiska.
Naming several challenges currently faced by the EU, including Brexit, debates on a multi-speed EU and the EU’s interference in policies of individual member-countries, Kiska said that it’s important to ensure a strong mandate in the elections for the 14 Slovak MEPs (the 14th one taking up his or her seat only if Brexit takes place), so that “the voice of a strong and self-confident Slovakia in a strong and self-confident Europe is heard”.
Stating that opinion polls reveal that most Slovaks want to remain in the EU, Kiska warned against a “mobilisation of extremists” that he’s witnessed in the country as he saw their “billboards and activities across Slovakia”.
“We mustn’t let our Europe be stolen,” added Kiska.