Kollar: I'll Insist on Lipsic Becoming New Interior Minister

Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) – Boris Kollar, leader of the We Are Family-Boris Kollar party, doesn’t want any ministry within a potential rightist government, but he will insist that Daniel Lipsic (OLaNO-NOVA) should become the new interior minister, TASR was told at the ceremonial handing over of MP’s certificates on Friday.
Meanwhile, Kollar is convinced that people around Marian Kocner and Tomas Rajecky with their alleged links to former prosecutor-general Dobroslav Trnka are behind photographs depicting him alongside Juraj Ondrejcak (nicknamed ‘Pito’), the leader of the so-called ‘Pitovci’ criminal gang. “They’re afraid of Daniel Lipsic, that’s why I’ll insist on appointing him as interior minister,” stated Kollar.
[Lipsic, at the time a member of the Christian Democrats (KDH), served as interior minister under the government of Iveta Radicova (2010-12) – ed. note]
Kollar also rejected Rajecky’s claim that he travelled to Cuba with members of the Pitovci gang and not with his girlfriend. “I wasn’t in Cuba with them, I was there with my girlfriend. I have witnesses that will testify to that,” he stressed.
Lipsic didn’t want to comment on Kollar’s photos. “I’m not in the position to moralise over anyone else,” he stated, adding that Kollar probably didn’t really have his photo taken with mafiosos. “I have to admit, though, that a business partner of a certain financial group was my schoolmate at grammar school,” noted Lipsic. When asked about how he would have reacted if Smer-SD members had been on the photos, Lipsic simply said that everyone has to bear criminal responsibility if he or she breaks a law.
Lipsic reiterated that a panic has been set off among financial groups because they don’t want to see a rightist government emerge. They’re afraid that their heads might be next on the block. Lipsic said that he’ll try to introduce criminal liability for senior officials and financiers. “It’ll be a nerve-wracking war, but I have a lot of nerves,” he added.
OLaNO-NOVA leader Igor Matovic at the same event said that rightist parties will have to choose between cooperating with a person that is on a photo with mafiosos or working with the Mafia itself. [The only real alternative to a rightist coalition is one involving Smer-SD. – ed. note]
“Of course I regret this. Unfortunately, politics is about the lesser evil. The public has handed out the cards and we won’t try having new elections until kingdom come, until when it works out,” said Matovic.