Lipsic Offers Resignation in Exchange for Guarantees for USP

Bratislava, December 5 (TASR) - Special Prosecutor Daniel Lipsic will resign, if the Government publicly guarantees that it won't interfere with the standing of the Special Prosecutor's Office (USP) and its prosecutors, reads a press statement sent to TASR by Prosecutor-General's Office spokesperson Zuzana Drobova on late Tuesday.
"Despite the legislation draft that was published and delivered to Brussels, several Government representatives have stated recently that they are not in favour of scrapping the Special Prosecutor's Office and their only problem is that I head the Special Prosecutor's Office," stated Lipsic.
The fight against organised crime and corruption has never been and cannot be based on a single person alone. "The instrumental role in the fight against the most serious crime undermining the rule of law is played by my colleagues, prosecutors of the Special Prosecutor's Office," noted Lipsic, who added that the act of abolishing the Special Prosecutor's Office would have adverse impacts for entire Slovakia.
Speaking on radio on Saturday, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said that he'll do everything necessary to make sure that Special Prosecutor Daniel Lipsic leaves his post. He didn't say, however, whether he wants the Specialised Criminal Court to remain operational.