Matovic: I Don't Have Ambitions to Become Prime Minister

(TA3, February 21, ‘V Politike’)
I don’t have any ambitions to become prime minister, and I see it as an error among rightist party leaders that everyone wants to be premier, said OLaNO-NOVA leader Igor Matovic on TA3’s show ‘V Politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday, adding that politicians should be humble and wait for the election result.
“First and foremost I want politicians to stop stealing from their voters. I want to be a guarantee that when people vote for us and we are part of a government, there’ll be no stealing,” said Matovic.
Matovic didn’t want to say what post he’d like to occupy after the election. “If someone says in advance what he wants to be, he’s cutting up a boar that’s still running in the forest. Let’s wait to see how people deal out the cards,” he said.
Matovic considers himself strong in the field in which he studied. “I graduated in financial management at Comenius University. I’ve been doing business since the fourth year [of university], and I know how hard it is to create a job vacancy and give people an adequate salary on time. I want to clean the business environment of senseless bureaucracy, so that we don’t throw logs under our own feet. I can be a contribution in this,” he stated.
According to Matovic, the OLaNO-NOVA programme focuses mainly on the fight against corruption. “If we didn’t have fraudsters with political cover here, we’d have enough money. Theft from the state is being covered up systematically. We have to get rid of corrupt politicians,” he stressed.
When asked what party Matovic considers to be the second least corrupt after OLaNO-NOVA, he chose Freedom and Solidarity (SaS). Regarding this, Matovic considers rightist parties in general to be the lesser evil.
Matovic also believes that the Right has learnt a lesson from the downfall of Iveta Radicova’s government (2010-12). “It’s an experience of how stupid it is to scupper one’s own government,” he commented.