MFA Receives Turkish Ambassador for Stance on Military Operation

Bratislava, October 14 (TASR) – General manager of the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s political section Marian Jakubocy on Friday (October 11) received the Turkish ambassador to Slovakia, Asligul Ugdul, to familiarise her with Slovakia’s stance in connection with the unilateral military operation launched by Turkey in northeast Syria on October 9, TASR has learnt from head of the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry press department Juraj Tomaga.
According to the Slovak ministry, Turkey’s legitimate security concerns about developments in the region need to be addressed by political and diplomatic means in line with international law and the relevant resolution of the UN Security Council.
“We’re concerned about the negative political and humanitarian impacts of this military operation on civilians, including Kurds in the north of Syria, about the increased risk of new ethnic tensions in the north of Syria and the initiation of new migration waves, internally displaced persons, as well as the impacts on an effective fight against Daesh, plus the negative impacts on a successful launch of the political process to settle the Syrian crisis based on the recently formed Constitutional Committee and under the auspices of the UN,” stated the Slovak ministry. Jakubocy also stressed the need to respect every country’s sovereignty.
Jakubocy spoke to the Turkish ambassador before the extra-parliamentary Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) called on Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak (a Smer-SD nominee) to summon the Turkish ambassador and demand an explanation. Tomaga pointed to the fact that the ministry reacted to Turkey’s unilateral military operation as early as on Wednesday (October 9). “The ministry in its reaction expressed its conviction, exactly in line with the approved EU declaration, that military measures won’t result in a sustainable solution to this long-term conflict,” added Tomaga.