Opposition: Approved Budget One of Worst in Slovakia's History

Bratislava, December 3 (TASR) - The approved law on the state budget for next year is one of the worst budgets in Slovakia's history, stated MP for Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) Marian Viskupic on Tuesday.
According to MP from the 'Slovakia' party Julius Jakab, meanwhile, the government is burdening people with debt in record numbers and dragging them down the "Greek road".
"In my opinion, this is one of the worst budgets in Slovakia's history. It provides exactly what Slovakia doesn't need - increases in levies, taxes and new taxes; but exactly what Slovakia does need, that is, reducing red tape, reducing expenditures, there's nothing like that. On the contrary, budget expenditures are going up significantly. This budget has turned people, companies and tradesmen into cash cows," said Viskupic.
The MP added that the state wants to increase its budget revenues by more than 20 percent in a single year, which is unacceptable. According to Viskupic, the government has proven that it doesn't value people, companies or value creators. "It considers them only to be those who have to pay and pay, but the government doesn't spare on itself at all," he added.
"A budget for the prominent, in which they raise salaries for themselves and taxes for the public, has been approved. They approve amnesties, salaries, life-long annuities, buy private jets and don't give a damn about the people. In doing so, they're putting them in record debt and dragging them down the Greek road," stressed Jakab.
The governing coalition has approved a budget of high prices, chaos and the past, the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party stated on Tuesday in response to the approval of the state budget in Parliament, adding that it's understandable that practically the whole of society, from trade unionists, teachers, health-care workers to police officers and people from culture protested against such a budget.
"The whole of Slovakia will have to tighten their belts, and the worst thing is that it will be completely unnecessary. Fico's government will squander everything. It won't reduce the debt, it won't invest in education or health care. What they collect, they will immediately eat up in higher salaries, annuities and private jets. It's a missed opportunity, just like the entire 13 years of Smer-SD government," said PS chair Michal Simecka.
According to PS MP Stefan Kiss, despite the drastic consolidation, the public deficit won't become lower next year, but will grow instead.