Pellegrini: Smer Could Discuss Coalition with Five Parties

(RTVS, March 6, ‘O 5 Minut 12’)
On RTVS’s post-election chat show ‘O 5 Minut 12’ (5 Minutes to 12) on Sunday, where representatives of parties that got to the House met, Parliamentary Chairman Peter Pellegrini said that Smer as the election winner could discuss making up the next government with several parties.
“I see five relevant parties that we will approach about cooperation,” said Pellegrini. He said that Smer will do everything to make up the cabinet, but he admitted that it won’t be easy. The only two parties ruled out are Boris Kollar – Wear Family and Marian Kotleba – People’s Party Our Slovakia.
According to Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) chairman Richard Sulik, approach by leaders of the Slovak National Party (SNS) and Most-Hid, Andrej Danko and Bela Bugar respectively, will be important in order for creation of the government if they are able to cooperate. However, if it managed to cooperate, there are options for both a rightist or leftist cabinet.
Sulik agreed with Siet (Network) chairman Radoslav Prochazka on the fact that it’s premature to discuss possible coalition options. Sulik ruled out joining a coalition with Smer, but Prochazka didn’t rule it out.
In addition to Sulik, Sme Rodina (We Are Family) chairman Boris Kollar ruled out the option. Kollar said he would support a rightist coalition, but doesn’t want to be a member of it.
According to Danko, it’s important now that leaders of new Parliamentary parties hold talks. Danko rejects cooperation with only Kotleba-People’s Party Our Slovakia.
Bugar announced he can’t imagine cooperation with Danko.
“Everyone is turning their backs on us, and the feelings are mutual,” said Milan Uhrik, representing Kotleba’s party in response to everyone excluding them from cooepration. Uhrik said he doesn’t like his party being described as neo-Nazis or fascists. Uhrik said he doesn’t have a problem with the fact one of their candidates, Marian Magat (slate number 88), sympathised with Adolf Hitler on the internet. Uhrik said he thinks that they are described as extremists as a consequence of other parties having a mild approach.