President Caputova Receives New US Ambassador to Slovakia Bridget Brink

Bratislava, August 20 (TASR) – President Zuzana Caputova received at an initial audience new US Ambassador to Slovakia Bridget Brink, who handed over her credentials, TASR learnt from president’s website on Tuesday.
Brink paid an initial visit to Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak (a Smer-SD nominee) on Monday. They agreed that cooperation between Bratislava and Washington is at a very good level and is bringing tangible results in the form of various joint projects and activities.
Brink was nominated for the post in March by US President Donald Trump. Her nomination was later approved by the Senate. She replaced Adam Sterling, who had been in the post since 2016.
At an earlier stage of her career Brink worked for the National Security Council, where she was responsible for coordination in the Aegean region (Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus) and the Caucasus. The council is the main advisory body to the US president on questions of national security, the army and foreign policy. She obtained a bachelor’s degree at Kenyon College, Ohio and two master’s degrees at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She speaks Russian and Serbian along with basic Georgian and French.