SAV: Slovak Scientists Develop Lightest Superconducting Wire in the World

SAV: Slovak Scientists Develop Lightest Superconducting Wire in the World

Bratislava, July 28 (TASR) – Scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) have managed to develop the lightest superconducting wire in the world and the invention could spell a breakthrough for the development of light wind turbine generators in offshore areas or in the radiation protection for astronauts, TASR learnt on Sunday.

The new kind of ultra-light superconducting wire has a sheating made of special composite aluminium. “It meets challenging and mutually conflicting requirements,” said Martin Balog of the SAV. Another advantage of the wire lies in low construction costs.

A superconductor is a material with non-existent electrical resistance at certain low temperatures. The new material developed by Slovak scientists allows reduction of the weight of moving parts and rotating mass in superconducting and cryogenic applications. The invention has already been trademarked, with the scientists now seeking to patent it and pursue commercial use of it.