Sefcovic: Working Group on Health under CoFoE Has Four Areas of Recommendations

Brussels, January 21 (TASR-correspondent) – The working group on health, which operates within the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), narrowed down a range of citizens’ recommendations in this area to four thematic areas in Strasbourg on Friday, TASR learnt from European Commission Vice-president Maros Sefcovic who was entrusted with managing the work of this group.
The Slovak EU Commissioner pointed out that the working group at the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg addressed a set of 51 recommendations that emerged from the final meeting of the citizens’ panel on climate change, environment and health.
According to him, the working group divided 51 citizens’ proposals into four sub-areas. The first concerns a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle, the second group of proposals speaks of strengthening the EU health-care system, with an emphasis on ensuring appropriate cross-border medical care always when needed.
The third subgroup deals with a broader understanding of health protection, and the fourth sub-area, which, according to Sefcovic, will also be interesting for Slovaks, is about ensuring equal access to the provision of quality health care throughout Europe.
“This means that there should be equal access to quality medicines in order to find a way to help people with rare diseases that can only be treated in one or two specialist centres in Europe. There is a clear expectation from citizens that this is an area the EU should enter and ensure that these special centres are appropriately equipped and able to provide assistance to all EU citizens,” said Sefcovic.