Simecka: CoFoE Best Answer to Populists Attempting to Erode Unity of EU

Bratislava, December 20 (TASR) – The Conference on Future of Europe (CoFoE) is the best answer to populists who attempt to erode the unity of the European Union with cliche narratives of bureaucrats divorced from reality and the dictate of Brussels, Slovak MEP Michal Simecka (Progressive Slovakia/Renew Europe) told TASR on Monday.
“The EU is one-of-a-kind peaceful and democratic project that has no match in the world and guarantees stability and prosperity for Slovakia. Of course, there’s certainly room for improvements, though,” claimed Simecka.
The MEP pointed out that “more than 130,000 Europeans with diverse views” have taken part in various events and meetings held under auspices of CoFoE, a fact that “dispels claims of the dictate by Brussels”.
“It’s important that the conference is not just a PR stunt, but it reaches out to the people at regional level and its events are held in all national languages, so that smaller member states are not put at disadvantage. It creates leeway to discuss topics that are worthy of greater level of attention,” claimed Simecka, adding that no other power currently in existence allows such an open participation of its inhabitants as does the EU via CoFoE.