Smer-SD Won Election, Confirms State Commission for Elections

Bratislava, March 6 (TASR) – The State Commission for Elections and Control of Political Parties’ Financing on Sunday confirmed the preliminary results of Saturday’s general election.
The official winner of the 2016 general election was Smer-SD on 28.28 percent of the votes, gaining 49 seats in Parliament.
Apart from Smer, another seven parties made it into Parliament: Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) – 12.10 percent (21 seats), OLaNO-NOVA – 11.02 percent (19 seats), the Slovak National Party (SNS) – 8.64 percent (15 seats), Kotleba-People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) – 8.04 percent (14 seats), We Are Family-Boris Kollar – 6.62 percent (11 seats), Most-Hid – 6.5 percent (11 seats) and Siet – 5.6 percent (10 seats).
The general election didn’t bring a good result for the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), which was left outside the gates of parliament on 4.94 percent along with the Hungarian Community Party (SMK) on 4.04 percent. All other political entities received less than 1 percent of the popular vote, including SDKU-DS (0.26 percent).
The turnout in the ninth general election in the independent Slovakia reached 59.82 percent, which is slightly more than in the previous general election in 2012, when it was 59.11 percent. As many as 4,426,760 people were eligible to vote, of which 2,648,184 actually did so. The ability to vote from abroad was utilised by 17,278 people. Of the total number of votes, 98.56 percent were declared valid. People were able to choose from among 2,882 candidates from 23 political entities.