State of Emergency to Be Declared as of October 1

Bratislava, September 30 (TASR) – The Government on Wednesday approved Prime Minister Igor Matovic’s (OLaNO) proposal to declare a state of emergency in the country in reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
The state of emergency will be a general one and will come into effect as of October 1.
Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) explained on Facebook that the state of emergency will last 45 days. [A state of emergency can’t last longer than 90 days – ed. note].
According to the premier, the Government and the relevant authorities want to see how this move will affect the situation concerning travelling during the All Saints Day holiday period. “We’ll then decide whether the state of emergency will continue or we’ll return to normal,” he noted.
Basic rights and freedoms can be restricted to a necessary extent and for a necessary period during a state of emergency in line with the law. The Government is allowed to declare a state of emergency if the lives and health of people and/or the environment are in danger.