State-run VsZP Health Insurer's Capital Boosted by €100 mn in Late October

Bratislava, November 9 (TASR) – The capital of state-run health insurer Vseobecna Zdravotna Poistovna (VsZP) was boosted by €100 million in late October, its spokesman Matej Neumann had confirmed for TASR.
“Based on a decision by the Health Ministry as its sole shareholder, the money to increase VsZP’s share capital was put into its bank account in late October,” he said.
The Government decided to boost VsZP’s capital by €100 million in early October. The Health Ministry originally proposed a sum of €300 million.
This step was criticised by several analysts. Economic and Social Analysis Institute (INESS) analysts described it as a key step backwards for the Slovak health-care system and the beginning of the elimination of competition in health insurance.
Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO) analyst Dusan Zachar viewed the proposal as inappropriate state interference in the functioning of Slovakia’s pluralist public health-care insurance system.
The decision was also criticised by the Association for the Protection of Patients Rights.