Sulik: Testing of Employees Won't Be Mandatory Any More

Bratislava, February 2 (TASR) – Entrepreneurs will no longer be required to test their employees who are not vaccinated and have not recovered from COVID-19 in the last 180 days, Economy Minister Richard Sulik (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) said following the Government meeting on Wednesday.
“It will be voluntary for everyone to protect themselves, to be tested, but we’ve taken this responsibility from employers today and we’ll leave it entirely up to them how they will approach it,” said Sulik. Although testing in companies will be officially terminated only after a decree of the Public Health Office is issued, according to the economy minister, no one will check this obligation.
Testing in companies was launched at the end of November 2021. The Economy Ministry will reimburse the tests for companies. The ministry has already launched an opportunity to request this compensation.