Unemployment Rate in February Grew Slightly to Reach 7.9 percent

Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) – The registered unemployment rate in Slovakia rose to 7.9 percent in February, increasing slightly by 0.09 percentage points (p.p.) month-on-month, and by 2.85 p.p. in yearly terms, the Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Centre (UPSVR) reported on Friday.
The number of jobseekers able to start work immediately reached 216,495, increasing by 2,614 (1.22 percent) month-on-month.
UPSVR evaluated that despite the anti-pandemic measures the situation on the labour market remained stable also in February.
The unemployment rate calculated from the total number of jobseekers stood at 8.55 percent, growing by 0.05 p.p. m-o-m.
A total of 10,335 registered unemployed people managed to find a job in February. Most people found jobs in industrial production, administrative services, wholesale and retail.
Meanwhile, the number of vacancies stood at 62,078. The highest number of vacancies, namely 18,406, were in Bratislava region, with Kosice region at the opposite end of the spectrum with 2,702 jobs on offer.
According to the UPSVR, the development of the number of job seekers who have found work in the individual months of the pandemic confirms the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Ministry. The authority added that the First Aid project is making a significant contribution to stabilising the labour market. To maintain employment, the ministry has paid out €1.18 billion.