Von der Leyen: Slovakia's Recovery and Resilience Plan Gets Green Light

Bratislava, June 21 (TASR) – Slovakia’s recovery and resilience has been greenlighted, European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen announced on Monday at a press conference in Bratislava, noting that the document meets set criteria and is ambitious.
“I’m happy to announce that the European Commission decided to greenlight Slovakia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan worth €6.3 billion,” claimed von der Leyen. She praised Slovakia for being among the first five states that submitted the plan, which also won plaudits for its quality. “Because speed is good, but the quality must be there as well and there’s plenty of quality in this plan.”
The reforms and investments charted under the plan are geared towards making Slovakia stronger, more resilient and better prepared for the future. Von der Leyen pointed out that 43 percent of the Slovak plan is earmarked for green transformation and 21 percent for digitisation.
“The most difficult part is still ahead of us and that’s the implementation itself,” stated Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO). The realisation of the plan will call for significant determination in terms of organisation, collaboration and political finesse. “Our future hinges on the recovery plan to a large extent,” he underlined.
Among the priorities of the recovery plan are listed education, health care, but also the environment, efficient public administration and digitisation. “It was also due to digitisation that the world didn’t come to a complete halt during the pandemic,” pointed out Heger.