Wiezik: CoFoE Reached Goals in Line with European Green Deal

Bratislava, June 13 (TASR) – The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) has reached constructive goals and recommendations that are in line with the European Green Deal, MEP Michal Wiezik (Progressive Slovakia) said at a final CoFoE evaluation event.
Wiezik pointed out that the European Union (EU) is the bearer of many new green trends and directions, and appeals to the environment. The MEP added that in the final report of the conference, the first chapter deals with the environment and he wants to believe that this reflects the weight of this topic.
MP Anna Zemanova (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) welcomes the CoFoE conclusions but not all opinions can be applied in practice. “The conference has sent a signal that Europe is well oriented in terms of environmental quality, we need to continue in this way, not to give up and not to be subject to short-term visions and solutions,” she said, expecting the EU not only to face global challenges but also to look at individual countries and what ecosystem services they offer the EU. “Slovakia is an extremely rich country in natural resources but it isn’t taken into account by the EU,” said Zemanova.
According to Environment Ministry State Secretary Michal Kica, the Government is expected to address the problems arising from the conference as the biggest challenges for the environment. These include sustainability, biodiversity protection, green infrastructure, increasing energy security, supporting the circular economy, informing and educating about the environment and climate change.