ZMOS and SK8 Ink Partnership Agreement Together

Nitra, June 16 (TASR) - The Association of Slovak Towns and Villages (ZMOS) signed a partnership agreement with the Association of Regions (SK8) in Nitra on Friday, SK8 head Jozef Viskupic and ZMOS chairman Jozef Bozik announced at a press briefing on the same day.
According to Viskupic, the signing of the document demonstrates that regions and municipalities stick together.
"This is the important message of the day. Over the past five years, the regions and municipalities have proved their worth as stabilising elements of Slovak society and it became clear that mayors and governors can be counted on, in many various crises that were plaguing our society," said Viskupic.
Bozik underlined that towns and villages perceive regions as their natural and key partner. "With this memorandum, we clearly declare the interest of ZMOS to support SK8 and the existence of self-governing regions as important components for the carrying out of public policies in Slovakia. ZMOS rejects any ideas of to have the regions scrapped. We'd like to do our utmost to keep the eight regions around long-term and serve as their partners also in the acquisition of joint resources for the development of individual areas," said Bozik.
SK8 and ZMOS intend to exert pressure on the state together, with an eye towards acquiring veto rights regarding any legislation to impact either their budgets or powers.