Bibiana and Its Director Tvrdon Receive Japanese Embassy Award

Bratislava, May 25 (TASR) – The Japanese Embassy has given an award to the International House of Art for Children Bibiana and its director Peter Tvrdon.
Japanese Ambassador to Slovakia Makoto Nakagawa presented the award “for a long-term contribution to deepening friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and Slovakia” to Tvrdon in Bratislava on Tuesday (May 24).
“When Peter Tvrdon became the Bibiana director, he kept up the long tradition of Bibiana’s extraordinary relations with Japan, Japanese institutions and artists,” stated the Culture and PR Section of the Japanese Embassy in Bratislava.
The Japanese Embassy’s award was first bestowed in Slovakia in 2014 to Anime Crew, the organiser of Comics Salon and AnimeSHOW festivals focusing on Japanese pop-culture. Bibiana received the twelfth award that the Japanese ambassador presents to individuals and institutions whose activities significantly contribute to mutual understanding and deepening friendly relations between Japan and Slovakia.