Blanar: UK Puts Slovakia on 'At Risk' List, Korcok Fails to Notice

Bratislava, July 10 (TASR) – House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) took potshots at chief of Slovak diplomacy Ivan Korcok (SaS nominee) over the United Kingdom listing Slovakia among COVID-19 ‘at risk’ countries.
“How is it possible that the foreign affairs minister can’t pay adequate attention to a country so important to our people as Great Britain? This is an absolute failure of Slovak diplomacy, which has proven unable to apprise the British side of our situation when they [London] were drafting the list,” Blanar posted on Facebook on Friday.
Blanar pointed out that while nationals of the Czech Republic, Poland and Austria are free to travel to Great Britain without mandatory self-isolation, every Slovak will be forced to spend “two weeks of their precious time in British quarantine”, despite the fact that Slovakia is among the least risky countries.
The House Committee chair thus urges Korcok to remedy the situation.