Cabaj: Ex-premier Meciar Won't Run in General Election

Bratislava, November 29 (TASR) – Ex-premier Vladimir Meciar won’t run in the 2020 general election, Slovak League vice-chair Tibor Cabaj confirmed for TASR on Friday.
“The decision was made on Friday morning. He’s definitively decided not to run,” said Cabaj.
The Slovak League was supposed to deliver its draft slate on Friday. Cabaj declined to confirm or rule out at the moment whether Meciar’s decision will result in the party not joining the general election at all.
The general election in Slovakia is slated for February 29, 2020. The election campaign officially started on November 5. Political parties can spend €3 million (including VAT) for the campaign at the maximum. Each party must have a transparent account. The campaign ends with an election moratorium, 48 hours before the election day.