Caputova Pleased Climate Crisis Resonating Ever More Thanks to Young
Bratislava, September 20 (TASR) – President Zuzana Caputova stated on Friday that she’s pleased young people are taking the initiative and that the issue of the climate crisis is starting to resonate in Slovakia as well as around the world partly thanks to them.
“I very much welcome their initiative. The pressure that they create to find solutions to the climate crisis is essential for Slovakia, Europe and the whole world,” wrote Caputova on Facebook, adding that the current generation is both the first one really to feel the consequences of climate change and the last one that can do something about it.
Slovak students from the Fridays for Future Slovakia movement will hold climate strikes in Bratislava, Kosice, Zilina and Banska Bystrica on Friday. The strikes have been backed by 70 NGOs as well as the Environment Ministry, the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV), several universities and secondary schools.
On the same day the president is set to depart for the USA, where she will participate in the UN Climate Change Summit on September 23. She’ll also give a speech during the general debate of the UN General Assembly on September 24. Caputova intends to stress Slovakia’s goal to stop using coal as a source of electricity by 2023 and the country’s plans to transform its main coal-mining region – Upper Nitra.