Caputova Presents First Three People from Her Team

Bratislava, May 28 (TASR) – President-elect Zuzana Caputova will take Marian Lesko with her to the Presidential Palace as a domestic policy adviser, with Juraj Rizman giving her advice on environmental and civil society issues and journalist Martin Strizinec serving as her spokesman, TASR learnt on Tuesday.
Caputova presented the names of the first three people in her team on a social network. She’ll gradually add more names for her priority areas, including representatives of minorities.
“I very much appreciate the fact that Marian Lesko, a man who knows Slovak politics like few others do, has accepted my offer to become my domestic policy adviser. I’m happy that Martin Strizinec, a presenter and journalist with rich experience in the media, has decided to become my spokesperson. The third person I’m introducing today is Juraj Rizman, with whom I’ve engaged in long-term professional collaboration at Via Iuris, and I’m pleased that he’ll deal with the environment and civil society,” said Caputova.
Marian Lesko is a political commentator and journalist. He worked for Pravda daily, later for SME daily, also cooperated with Radio Free Europe and has been working for TREND weekly.
Martin Strizinec worked for private station Radio Expres, at private news-only TV channel TA3 and at public-service RTVS. He hosted news and journalistic programmes, including almost five years with RTVS’s most popular politics programme ‘O 5 Minut 12’ (Five Minutes to Twelve).
Juraj Rizman is a Slovak environmentalist and long-term representative of Greenpeace in Slovakia. He’s participated in several successful environmental campaigns. He’s a member of the Government Council for Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations, an advisory body of the Slovak Government for developing civil society in Slovakia.