CoFoE: Heger: EU's Ambition Should Be to Become Synonymous with Europe

Bratislava, May 30 (TASR) – The ambition of the European Union (EU) should be to be synonymous with Europe, said Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) at the final evaluation event of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) on Monday, explaining that every European country that meets the criteria should have the opportunity to become a member state.
“For me, the future of Europe lies in the fact that countries such as Ukraine, the Western Balkans, but also Georgia and Moldova will be part of the European Union. I can also see great cooperation between the EU and the UK,” he said.
The prime minister opined that the EU should lend a helping hand to countries in their efforts to meet the criteria, and it should do so “without delay”. He also considers it important to nip related problems in the bud.
Heger stressed the importance of unity. “Unity is what even [Russian President] Vladimir Putin is afraid of today. It’s what is actually putting strong pressure on him, what we mustn’t allow to be taken away and need to maintain,” he stressed.