CoFoE: KDH Not in Favor of Updating Basic EU Treaties At Present Time

Bratislava, June 10 (TASR) – The extra-parliamentary Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) has told TASR that it isn’t in favour of revising basic EU treaties at the moment, stressing the need to deal with the problems of ordinary people.
The movement opined this in the context of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). The conference raised the issue of adjusting the basic treaties on the functioning of the EU.
KDH believes that it’s more important to address the problems of the public than institutional issues in light of the pandemic, but especially the war in Ukraine. According to the movement, people expect solutions to the energy crisis in particular, given the diversification of supply chains and many other socio-economic problems.
According to the movement, European unity today will be helped in particular by thorough compliance with the existing treaties and the ability of European institutions to bring added value to the framework of existing powers.
“The problem with today’s EU is that it addresses many issues for which it doesn’t have powers and, on the contrary, doesn’t bring sufficient solutions in areas where it does have powers. If anything needs to change, it’s the effectiveness of delivering solutions within the established powers of European institutions,” the movement added.