Companies to See Caps on Energy Prices in First Quarter of 2023
Bratislava, October 24 (TASR) - Companies in Slovakia will see a cap placed on the power component of energy prices from January 1 to March 31 next year, namely at €199 per megawatt hour (MWh) for electricity and €99 per MWh for gas, stated Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) on Monday following talks at a tripartite session, adding that the state will reimburse 80 percent of expenditures above this level.
“With this measure, we’ll cover almost the entire company sector. We still have extremely energy-demanding companies, which the Economy Ministry will deal with individually,” said the premier.
For the time being, the measure should remain in force until the end of the first quarter of 2023. Heger further stated that the Government will re-evaluate this aid in March based on the market situation. “According to that, we’ll decide whether to continue with this assistance and in what form,” he added.
The premier also pointed out that next year’s energy aid is tied to approval of the 2023 state budget in Parliament. A total of €3.5 billion has been allocated in it for this purpose, part of which has been earmarked for helping companies. “It’s important for the state budget to be approved in the House,” stressed Heger.